Saturday, May 2, 2015

 EAGA Company, LLC and Affiliates Service Overview

We are pleased to present this overview of our services and the platform from which
They are delivered. Our company was originally formed in 1988 under the name
Community Design Services, Inc. We have been a long standing member of the
community and have successfully managed millions of dollars in design and
construction projects.

EAGA Company, LLC Real Estate and Development is the culmination of years of
documented passion and energy.

We are confident this brief outline will you a clear understanding of our services and
Platform from which they delivered.

CONTRACTING PLATFORMS                                         

We generally contract under the following platforms.

1.    Development Project Manager  (DPM) - Retainer
2.    General Construction Manager (GCM) – Retainer
3.    Direct Contract Provider (DCP) – Retainer

Development Project Manager (DPM) – New Community Development

Organization Chart

From this platform we contract with the Owner(s) to manage and staff the personnel necessary to set up and carry out the logistical parameters for developing large community developments. This is a negotiated service delivery platform based on the size, nature and complexity of the proposed community development. The contract method is a negotiated “Not to Exceed Specific Sum “contracted between the DPM and the Owner.

General Construction Manager – GCM – On Site Construction Manager

Organization Chart

From this platform we contract with the Owner(s) to manage on site personnel necessary to coordinate, schedule and track the course of individual project developments. This is a hands on process which handles clarifications between the construction documents and production. This is a negotiated service delivery platform based on the size, nature and complexity of the proposed community development. The contract method is a negotiated “On an hourly rate basis and percentage of the total cost of construction “contracted between the GCM and the Owner.

 Direct Contract Provider (DCP) – Real Estate, Building, Property Management

Organization Chart

From this platform we contract with the Owner(s) to manage personnel necessary to coordinate sales and acquisitions, renovate existing buildings and manage post construction products for the Owner. This is a negotiated service delivery platform based on the size, nature and complexity of each transaction. The contract method is a negotiated “On the basis of commission, project labor and materials and percentage of the total units being managed contracted between the DCP and the Owner.


There are obviously several layers of overlap within and pertaining to our service delivery platforms. We are will negotiate with you on the basis of your specific need to derive the maximum benefit for you without compromising our ability to maintain the integrity of our of service delivery.

Our goal is provide you with a streamlined cost effective approach to achieving your development goals that will enable you to maximize profits.

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